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There are 25 individuals with the location Minster (Ohio) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
BAUMER, Rosetta J. * in 1900 in Minster (Ohio), + 11.02.1980 in Sidney (Ohio)
BERNING, Agnes Hilda * in 1871 in Minster (Ohio), + 25.07.1893 in
BERNING, Anton * 20.01.1864 in Minster (Ohio), + 27.11.1942 in Anna (Ohio)
BERNING, Bernadina * 11.10.1856 in Minster (Ohio), + 17.04.1939 in Egypt (Ohio)
BERNING, Bernard J. * 08.09.1869 in Minster (Ohio), + 24.06.1914 in Shelby County (Ohio)
     oo 29.04.1896 in Minster (Ohio) HECKMAN, Josephine * 21.11.1877 in Minster (Ohio), + 11.03.1958 in Shelby County (Ohio)
BERNING, Gerhard Joan * 12.02.1826 in Catenhorn, + 14.05.1907 in Minster (Ohio)
BERNING, Henrich Joannes * 04.05.1801 in Wadelheim, + 19.07.1849 in Minster (Ohio)
BERNING, Henry * 21.06.1859 in Minster (Ohio), + 30.08.1939 in Rocky River (Ohio)
BERNING, Hermann Anton * 21.10.1862 in Minster (Ohio), + 26.01.1942 in New Bremen (Ohio)
BERNING, John G. * 05.12.1858 in Minster (Ohio), + 26.07.1946 in Minster (Ohio)
BERNING, John * 05.01.1860 in Minster (Ohio), + 13.03.1945 in Toledo (Ohio)
BERNING, Mary Elizabeth * 19.08.1856 in Minster (Ohio), + 02.07.1920 in Fostoria (Ohio)
BERNING, Mary * 01.07.1875 in Minster (Ohio), + 09.11.1940 in Dayton (Ohio)
BERNING, Theodore Anton * 01.10.1861 in Minster (Ohio), + 12.05.1948 in Lima (Ohio)
BERNING, Theodore * 04.05.1863 in Minster (Ohio), + 03.04.1930 in Troy (Ohio)
FORTMAN, Henry F. * 08.09.1865 in Oldenburg, + 12.06.1947 in Minster (Ohio)
GERKEN, Christina Bernardina Diana * 25.02.1830 in , + 31.05.1876 in Minster (Ohio)
HECKMAN, Josephine * 21.11.1877 in Minster (Ohio), + 11.03.1958 in Shelby County (Ohio)
     oo 29.04.1896 in Minster (Ohio) BERNING, Bernard J. * 08.09.1869 in Minster (Ohio), + 24.06.1914 in Shelby County (Ohio)
KEMPER, Odelia Elizabeth Louisa * 12.03.1836 in Minster (Ohio), + 28.04.1933 in Toledo (Ohio)
PLACKE, Anna J. * in 1898 in Minster (Ohio), + 10.11.1956 in Minster (Ohio)
PRENGER, Anton * 13.12.1873 in Auglaize County (Ohio), + 12.07.1960 in Minster (Ohio)
PRENGER, Rosa Bernadine * 30.05.1925 in Fort Loramie (Ohio), + 01.10.2006 in Minster (Ohio)
SANDMANN, Elisabeth Maria * 05.11.1795 in Gellendorf, + 19.07.1849 in Minster (Ohio)
SCHMIESING, Mary * 19.06.1863 in Egypt (Ohio), + 15.04.1942 in Minster (Ohio)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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